Classic Scalextric track

Scalextric track C151 radius 2 curve

Classic Scalextric track C151, radius 2 curve 45 degrees - REFURBISHED

Also available in GREEN from the C.555 Rally Cross set - NOT REFURBISHED


Scalextric track C159 half straight
Classic Scalextric track C159, 175mm long half straight

Comprises 1 refurbished track piece


Scalextric track C160 standard straight
Classic Scalextric track C160, 350mm long half straight - REFURBISHED

Also available in GREEN from the C.555 Rally Cross set - NOT REFURBISHED


Scalextric track C187 banked curve
Classic Scalextric track C187, banked curve 60 degrees

Comprises 1 refurbished track piece


Scalextric vintage track lap counter A259
Vintage Scalextric track lap counter A259

Comprises 1 refurbished track piece


Scalextric classic track lapcounter C272 / C277
Classic Scalextric track C272 / C277 lap counter

Comprises 1 refurbished track piece


C8222 converter track Sport to Classic

Scalextric C8222 converter track, classic track to Sport track

This kit comprises 2 new converter track pieces each 175mm long
